We do our best to appropriately select people to work in our company. We strive to make our team - on one hand – be equipped with knowledge and experience and on the other - be open to modern technologies and solutions. Above all we value people responsible for tasks entrusted to them, ambitious and hard-working. People prepared to work in the job, wishing to acquire new knowledge and experience, the professionals. Some of our staff have their learning days long behind them, have got qualifications and experience. Others have just been acquiring them. They share one thing: they are or want to be geodesic specialists, cartographers, photogrammeters, geo-information specialists... We invest in people with passion.



We ensure that all our employees are not only proficient specialists but also they should understand the needs of our clients and be able to help them. So that clients can be sure that we devote due attention to them. So that they know that anybody who comes to us is worth our efforts, regardless of the value of his / her order and complexity of the task. So that they are sure that we make our best to meet their expectations.


We support the efforts of our staff to acquire new skills, qualifications and permits. We support all who invest in themselves whether through their participation in courses and trainings or through continuation of their education at high schools. So that our staff are best prepared for the tasks commissioned by our clients. So that our company continues to grow with the technological progress which is so important in our profession.